Souris Glenwood Chamber of Commerce Accomplishments:
Souris Glenwood Chamber of Commerce
- Spring Fling
- Summer Parade
- Scarecrow Days
- Santa Claus Parade
- Christmas Activities
Advertising & Promotion
- Membership Phone Directory was mailed to 2000+ homes
- 2-page Directory was printed in the Souris Guidebook
- Affordable Living Campaign Facebook Ads
Community Contribution
- The Grad Bursary was awarded to Liam Perkin
- We Sponsored Peacock Days & the Fair
Speakers & Presentations
- Chambers Group Insurance Plan
- Manitoba Finance PST & Your Business
- Stakeholder Engagement - Souris-Glenwood Development Plan Consultation
- Understanding Business Tax Obligations by CRA
- Leech Printing Member presentation
- Branding - Member presentation by Intratech