Snow & Ice Removal

Snow & Ice Removal – (Seasonal)

Snow removal is performed by the Municipality of Souris-Glenwood Public Works Department. While all roads and streets are plowed and/or salted as soon as possible, some higher traffic roads are identified as higher priorities.


Streets are cleared on a priority basis. After main arterial streets and roadways are cleared, crews can then work on plowing roads on secondary streets. Piles of snow on Municipal property will be removed as soon as possible.

Priorities for Snow Plowing and Ice Control Service on Town streets and sidewalks:

  1. Major streets such as Crescent Ave, Brindle Ave, Lansdowne Street N, 2nd Street S, 4th & 5th Ave W
  2. Local streets with steep grades and sharp curves
  3. The remainder of the local residential streets, sidewalks and parking lots
  4. Alleys/lanes that service a residential driveway/garage or services commercial lots
  5. Interior cemetery and all other alley/lane ways



Bus routes and arterial roads are main priority for operators. Once those routes are complete, the operators can then move on to clearing snow on additional roads. If you would like your laneway and or yard plowed, please contact the Municipality of Souris-Glenwood office for more information at 204-483-5200

 Any questions about winter maintenance activities may be directed to the Public Works Department at 204-483-5217 or by email [email protected]

Snow Plowing Consent Form: 2022-2023- Snow Clearing consent form

Salting and Sanding

  • Salt is applied along the main routes and designated secondary routes.
  • Salting may be repeated, as necessary, until a bare pavement condition is achieved. Critical areas, such as steep hills, curves, bridges, intersections and approaches to railway crossings receive top priority.